Strategic Sectors


This axis aims at taking advantage of the dynamics of digital transition driven by the construction of a submarine communications cable and the announcement of a mega data centre in Sines. These cables are essential to ensure the sustainability of a future with increasing and demanding internet traffic.

The European Union’s new digital strategy will increase global connectivity, import more data, expand the data processing and storage market and develop strategic technologies and digital services. In this context, Sines Tech intends to play a relevant role in the “EU Data-Gateway Platforms”, namely the European Atlantic Platform, which is a fundamental infrastructure for the European Union’s digital policy and for the socioeconomic development of our country.


Sines’ Industrial and Logistics Zone (ZILS) is seen as one of the most promising locations for the development of a European digital hub, thanks to its geographical location and deep seabed, favorable to the installation of submarine cables. This favorability is also supported by the huge availability of adjacent land without urban constraints and robust utility infrastructures that can support the installation of data centers.